TEMTE Inc.  -   Thermoelectric Materials and Technology



Accuracy of measurements

ZT-Scanner is equipped with top of the line high precision electronic components. For Harman-based measurements we developed a novel Two Sample System Calibration (2SSC)* to compensate for unavoidable heat exchange between sample and its environment and ensure unprecedented accuracy of the measurements. The charts below demonstrate the perfect reproducibility of the measurements. Each graph contains data from two temperature scans performed with low temperature sample holder (blue zone) and with high temperature sample holder (white zone).

The relative standard deviations of the experimental data points from the corresponding trend lines do not exceed 1.5%. ZT-Scanner is supplied with calibration samples to ensure absolute precision of thermoelectric measurements.

Download our presentation at ICT2014 (July 6-10, 2014, Nashville, TN, USA) to learn more about 2SSC and measurement accuracy.